Wednesday, April 29, 2009

THATS AWESOME: Volume I: I'm @live

Special Thanks to:

D.Forbes-Young Star Ent
Lola Maxwell
Steve Biden
Black Diamond studios
The kid Jabz

well, alright here goes;

I'm @live is the culmination of a period of my life when things were a frustrating for me personally. I drew myself away from people just to stop from crumbling myself. I'm blessed to have music in my life through this period, so much so that I was able to make the beats AND still write rhymes to the mixtape in less than a week (recording it was another story). Here i was able to face my insecurities with myself, the issues I had at home and with (of course) females and create a album that's half experiment and half therapy for me. I brought together all the elements of music that I like, cartoons, violent movies (peep the way I flipped the Robocop line on "My Name"), videogames, bass heavy LOUD shit, and weird sounds. The beats I made on this are.....I gotta say unlike anything I've done before. It's the type of shit that I LIKE, and that's whats most important right?

I had MAD fun recording this and it really brought me out of the funk that I was in for the latter half of 2008 into 2009. From Black Diamond studios to my closet filled with shoes that I stepped on (sorry guys). I'm a real shy dude so for me to come out of my comfort zone and even bring this out is unprecedented, so thanks to all who like it!!!!

*Every beat is produced by ME, myself and I. You may be like ''some of these songs are long as hell" and thats because after the rhyming on the track there's an instrumental section AKA A free beat. if you dont like the rapping (how dare you!) you can take it to audacity and chop the vocals. I won't be mad.

I'm rambling now, I'll holla. Volume II: Playing 2 Win is coming VERY VERY VERY soon.




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