Damn man, DAMN!
Famously known for their mugshots (and their hatred of rappers...ask Rick Ross and Plies) The Smoking Gun, released some no doubt shocking news yesterday, when they revealed that the self-proclaimed "Grand Hustle Muscle" Alfamega was in fact an informant...for the DEA....
From TSG:
Court records show that Zellars began working with law enforcement officials after he was sentenced in September 1995 to 110 months in a federal gun case (Zellars, who had a prior felony robbery conviction, was collared for selling weapons to an undercover federal agent). Zellars “agreed to cooperate with authorities and was debriefed” about the criminal activity of several individuals. “In particular he was debriefed concerning the drug trafficking activities of a Mr. Ali Baaqar,” according to a government court filing, a copy of which you’ll find below. During his cooperation against Baaqar, Zellars met with a DEA agent and a federal prosecutor, and subsequently testified at trial. “Ali Baaqar was convicted of conspiracy to distribute heroin based upon the trial testimony of [Zellars] and others.” In return for his snitching, Zellars had 18 months shaved off his prison term when he was resentenced in July 1997 by Judge J. Owen Forrester.
damn. And if that isnt bad enough, T.I. was taken down by someone who was an informant IN his camp (but wasn't Alfa). Earlier today T.I. released this statement from what seems like a microphone in the Underground Railroad, effectively dropping Alfa from the Grand Hustle roster for his deception:
T.I. Speaks on Alfamega
(statement for those who can't understand):
Even though all our artists and employees are asked by us to be honest and open about their past history, at no time did Alfa disclose to me or Grand Hustle what has now appeared in the media. He essentially deceived us by failing to fully disclose the truth about his past and there is no place in our organization for dishonest and misleading behavior. As I have always said, you must take responsibility for your own actions. We at Grand Hustle can not support or condone the blaming of others for our own mistakes. I hope and pray to god bless his financial plans, but I don’t forsee me or my company playing a role in his personal or professional business. End.
Damn x2. It's a cold road for people out here, but I have to wonder what Alfa was thinking knowing that at any moment this could have been revealed. Punchin niggas in the face, goin hard for the camp and shit, just to get exposed.... sucks to be you
Lol, ahh... snitching is in now... duh! lmao jk jk.
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