Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy BIrthday Dreamcast!

The Sega Dreamcast was released nine years ago today, and it was truly one of the most revolutionary consoles for its time. It introduced online gameplay, the 2k series, and allowed deveopers like Capcom to really take games to the next level. Though it was only around for a few years, it's presence is still felt. Dreamcast games are still being made in Japan, and most if not all of the systems hits have been remade or rereleased in some capacity.

My favorites:
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (one of the greatest fighting games ever)
Resident Evil: Code Veronica
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Capcom vs SNK 1 & 2
Sonic Adventure 1 (the killer whale scene is the GOAT)
NBA 2k1
Jet Grind Radio (the illest artistically sound games ever)
Project Justice



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