Friday, November 28, 2008

"Heartbreak" may score Kanye #1 next week

According to

West's Roc-a-Fella/Def Jam album, 808s and Heartbreak, in which he tackles the Auto-Tuner and his own inner demons, will be #1 on next Tuesday’s chart with a total that looks to be between 450-500k.

Meanwhile the OTHER big hip hop release, Ludacris' "Theater Of The Mind" is expected to debut at #3, behind the (really good) much delayed Guns N Roses LP "Chinese Democracy"; which is like the Rock equivalent of "Detox".

Also from Hits;

Ludacris’ Island Def Jam album, Theater of the Mind, looks good for 225k, followed by the other one of IDJ’s big holiday power trio, The Killers’ Day and Age, clocking in with 200k more or less.

This is good for Hip Hop though, having Kanye hold off the legendary ego of Axl Rose (with a decidedly NON Hip Hop album at that) and Luda being able to hold of labelmates The Killers, who did great numbers with their last LP. I'd say that 2008 was a great year for sales overall.



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