Tuesday, February 3, 2009


It's gorgeous. But you already knew that, It looks wayyyy better than a lot of shit coming out this year, and on par with Metal Gear Solid 4 imo.

However I do have a few complaints Capcom.....

*Why Does Chris only run in straight lines. This dude cant go diagonal YET?

*Why is Sheva so good? This hoe was capping niggas long range and bustin heads like it wont nothin. gahdamn

*Speaking of Sheva....When sharing ammo... do I have to give her ALL of it? I didnt know we had an unwritten pre-nup for this trick to get some ammo for nothing.

*The enemies are well.....well just as they were in Resident Evil 4. The same tactics apply. I know its the demo, but im wondering if they are going to do something different from our spanish pals in RE4. And BOO @ the return of the chainsaw guys. They were awesome in 4, but lets switch it up. Chase me with a Weed Wacker or something.

*There are areas where you can go for cover...but you see...you cant actually DUCK in cover. just stand behind it. so Axes/Arrows comin for that ass...will HIT you.

*The controls are okay, not the "OMGWTFNOOO" you've no doubt heard from the Internet, but still managable. Though I DO wonder why you cant WALK and SHOOT. And for that matter why you cant walk with the knife. It doesnt make shit scarier. Just annoying. In fact, anyone who has never played or HAVE played RE4 or any RE game will be quickly hurling the controller out the window. While I find the controls merely above average (RE fans should be used to this), The excellent "Dead Space does these controls better. RE has a half assed pop up menu that when used in conjunction with the ADA approved controls is just retarded.

*Pressing R1 to find Sheva is jarring at first, but a great way to zoom. RIGHT. IN. on her titties. Oh Capcom!

* BOO @ Capcom copping out on the African setting and making the ratio of blacks to whites like 40/60. Punk bitches.

All in all, im pretty excited for RE5, here's hoping the final product is solid. I havent tested online co op yet, so check back later for impressions.



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