Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dame...please hang it up


“This n- [Kanye ] was like, ‘Wow. [Jay-Z] ain’t going to give me the chain,’” Dash alleges in December’s Complex magazine. “I had to take off my chain and give it to him, and I was heated. I had the real canary diamonds. That s- cost $40,000! I told Kanye, ‘Yo, you got to give that back when we get off this stage!’”

Dash contends that after Jay-Z violated the code of hip-hop chivalry, “Kanye hated Jay-Z.”

But a rep for Kanye tells us the story is “ridiculous and totally false.”

Yeah, ok nigga. Besides sounding stupid, why wait to say this now when Kanye and Jay are making millions of dollars?



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